What Can We Expect Now?

Ye olde GRT Expected Win Total Machine has been on quite the ride. Expectations at the start of fall camp hovered around 6.9 wins, rising to 7.2 last week with Trey Smith and Aubrey Solomon eligible and kickoff knocking on the door. But in the aftermath of the Georgia State game (and after removing a few entries that gave the Vols an 80% chance to beat Chattanooga and a 0% chance against the rest of the field, which might be allowed by next week!), things are…less exciting.

The average expectation among our readers is now 3.92 wins on the year. If we’re still allowed to round up, that would put the Vols at 4-8, 5-7, and 4-8 the last three years.

No one’s projection was worth anything against Georgia State, but looking at things through more objective eyes is – hopefully, in this case – still helpful. SP+ and FPI were both high on the Vols coming into the year due to plenty of returning experience. No one lost like Tennessee last week, but several of our opponents didn’t flatter themselves either. As a result, here’s the projected margin of victory for Tennessee in SP+ and FPI going forward:

at Florida-15.4-12.5
Mississippi St-7.6-2.7
at Alabama-32.7-25.3
South Carolina0.40.3
at Kentucky-5-4
at Missouri-9.8-3.5

Both models have the Vols favored by at least 5.5 points in four remaining games, plus a clear toss-up with South Carolina. From there, it gets trickier: the two models continue to disagree on Mississippi State and Missouri, with FPI now listing the trip to Lexington as Tennessee’s most difficult game after the usual suspects from Florida, Georgia, and Alabama.

The date with the Gamecocks is of obvious importance from seven weeks away. Not only might it be one of Tennessee’s best chances to scratch and claw their way back to six wins, but if things go bad against BYU on Saturday it could become the game that eliminates any final hope of bowl eligibility in October.

But first, the Cougars. Vegas still likes the Vols in the neighborhood of a field goal, and both advanced statistical models like Tennessee by more than that; SP+ gives Tennessee a 70% chance of victory, which is what I gave us in the Expected Win Total Machine before the Georgia State loss. So far our readers this week give the Vols a 42.9% chance of victory against the Cougars (again, after removing the zeroes).

I’m more curious than anything, about everything. How many people will show up? How soon would booing commence? And the bigger picture questions: what percentage of Tennessee’s problems from last week are easier to fix – alignment, assignment, etc. – and what percentage of them can’t get fixed any time soon, because they’re the same problems from last season without enough new faces to solve them? And if the latter list is longer, what percentage of fight does this team have in its tank?

There’s some “most important game since ____________” floating around. A couple thoughts about that. The last “most important game” we played was against Georgia in 2017; its importance became the end of the Butch Jones era, not the beginning of any short-term good. The ones before that were all in 2016 with stakes both higher and more tangible. You can argue the long-term stakes are really high for Tennessee right now, and that’s true…but those won’t be ultimately decided by what the Vols do or don’t do against BYU. Tennessee was always playing the long game here. We’ve played games of actual importance recently enough, and been through enough change for longer than that to think anything program-related is going to get decided on Saturday.

In the short-term, this game matters a lot. It might also help us see how long the long-term really is.

If Vegas and the statistical models are right, the Vols will course correct, at least this week, and our scenarios will improve. Or if what we saw defensively for much of last season and the Georgia State game shows up against BYU, we’ll lean hard into the abyss and its enveloping apathy. This is a week when we’ll either be forced to embrace a worst-case scenario, or find a Tennessee team capable of making the best of it. I’m genuinely curious to see which way it goes.

What the SPM comps say about Tennessee-BYU

The SPM finished Week 1 (and Week 0) at a modest 28-27 (50.91%) on all games. Above the magic confidence level, it went 20-13 (60.61%) and within the magic confidence range, it went 13-4 (76.47%).

Like everyone else and their dog, it was shocked — SHOCKED! — at the outcome of the Tennessee-Georgia State game, although I will say that it was not nearly as wrong as the rest of us. Tennessee was a 25.5-point favorite, and the SPM liked the Vols only by 11.6. It didn’t predict Tennessee to lose, but it warned that they wouldn’t cover.

Tennessee vs. BYU

So, what does the SPM say about the Vols’ game against BYU Saturday? Bottom line, it thinks Vegas hit the nail firmly on the head with a swift single strike of a sledgehammer. Don’t play this one, is what it’s saying, as it has near-zero confidence in it.

The SPM draws on a great deal of data this week. We’re still relying mostly on 2018 data and doing so from each team’s perspective, but we’re sprinkling in what little data we have for 2019, also from each team’s perspective. Here’s what comes out of that pot once it’s stewed a while.

The 2018 data

From the 2018 BYU perspective, Tennessee’s defense looks like Arizona and Northern Illinois (woo) and Tennessee’s offense looks like Cal and New Mexico State. The estimated score from that angle is Tennessee 19, BYU 15.

From the 2018 Tennessee perspective, BYU’s defense looks most like Florida and Georgia (woo) and their offense looks like Kentucky and Vanderbilt. The estimated score for that is Tennessee 20.1, BYU 19.6. Tie game, basically.

The built-in year-to-year adjustment has BYU as being somewhat worse this year than last. Regarding Tennessee, the jury was nearly back with good news when it saw the team coughing up blood in the hall and returned with haste to re-deliberate. (The machine still thinks they’re much better this year than last. Or rather, should be, and is accounting for that assumption.)

Throwing all of that into the pot and cooking it up, the estimated score using 2018 data is Vols 19.5, Cougars 17.2, meaning Tennessee -2.3.

The 2019 data

There’s only one comp for each team so far in 2019, so that data is weighed accordingly. The result is Tennessee 30, BYU 25, but again, it’s not assigned much weight.

SPM Final Estimates

SPM Final estimated score: Tennessee 22.1, BYU 19.2

SPM Final estimated spread: Tennessee -2.9

SPM Confidence level: .1

That confidence level has a decimal, which is SPM-speak for “Nope.”

Eyeball adjustments

Remember last week when I said I wasn’t buying the SPM’s estimate from Georgia State’s perspective? You know, the one that estimated a score of 37-36.6, Panthers? Buyer’s remorse is real.

I’m inclined to trust the machine on this one, as the results seem to be pretty consistent among all of the different angles. If there’s an adjustment to be made, it’s on the defensive side for Tennessee. It won’t take many runs into a defensive front with everybody lined up offstage to get out of hand in a hurry. On the other hand, I do think (hope!) we’re going to see a different team this week.

So, I’m pretty much sticking with the machine for this one but converting the math into actual football numbers. I’m going with Tennessee 23, BYU 20. I’m also guarding my sanity by bracing against the very real possibility that BYU scores a lot more points than that.

Other predictions from other systems

The Vegas line opened at 3 but has now crept up to between 3.5 and 4 with an over/under of 52.5. That basically translates to Tennessee 28, BYU 24.

Bill Connelly’s SP+ (formerly S&P+) likes Tennessee 42-33 and gives the Vols a 70% chance of winning. Connelly was 59% overall in Week 1 and 64% for games in which the difference between SP+ and the spread was three or more points.

ESPN’s FPI gives the Vols a 72.9% chance of winning.

So, will the Vols cover this week? Don’t bet on it.

What are y’all thinking?

Let’s hope Jauan Jennings is highly contagious

If you read only one thing about the Vols today . . .

. . . make it this, from the Times Free Press:

Listening to Jauan Jennings this morning will make you feel better. Everyone knows his reputation for being feisty, and there is some history of him probably benefitting from dialing it down a bit. But it seems like the lesson he’s taken from the Georgia State loss is that he’d dialed it down too far, that the team needs his energy, and that he’s ready to comply. That could be a very good thing.

Other Vols stuff worth reading today

  1. Always Smiling, Callaway Ready for Senior Season – University of Tennessee Athletics, via UTSports. The stuff from UTSports is generally mostly informational and bland, so I didn’t even read this until the third time I saw it. But it made the Must Read section up top until Jennings started talking. This is worth your time as well, as there is interesting stuff you don’t know about Callaway.
  2. Silverberg: The good, the bad and the ugly from Week 1 | WNML-AF, via WNML
  3. Vols hold players-only meeting coming off loss in opener, via 247Sports

Behind the paywalls

  • Practice observations: Two freshmen moved to offense, via 247Sports. The reference to the freshmen is nothing major, but the practice observations are good.

HUTCH wins Week 1 of the 2019 Gameday on Rocky Top Pick ‘Em Contest

Congratulations to HUTCH, who finished first this week in the Gameday on Rocky Top Pick ‘Em contest with a record of 13-7 and 175 confidence points.

Here are the full results for last week:

Rank Player W-L Points Tiebreaker
1 OriginalVol1814 18-2 192 24-21
2 C_hawkfan 16-4 187 0-0
3 Orange On Orange 16-4 183 24-34**
3 Raven17 16-4 183 24-27
5 memphispete 16-4 182 23-17**
5 keepontruckin 16-4 182 17-24
7 LuckyGuess 16-4 181 30-31
8 PAVolFan 15-5 180 20-27
9 mmmjtx 15-5 179 21-30
10 GeorgeMonkey 15-5 178 24-28**
10 wedflatrock 15-5 178 17-20
12 corn from a jar 14-6 177 35-21**
12 birdjam 15-5 177 21-23
14 trdlgmsr 15-5 175 24-10**
14 Bulldog 85 15-5 175 24-27
14 Jahiegel 14-6 175 24-27
14 rsbrooks25 17-3 175 28-35
18 ChuckieTVol 14-6 174 13-20
19 UTSeven 14-6 173 23-24
20 Sam 14-6 172 17-38**
20 daetilus 14-6 172 27-30
20 TennRebel 14-6 172 13-21
23 jfarrar90 14-6 171 21-30**
23 Wilk21 16-4 171 31-34
23 Phonies 14-6 171 17-18
26 hounddog3 14-6 170 31-24**
26 Harley 16-4 170 17-24
26 bluelite 14-6 170 0-0
29 alanmar 14-6 168 17-34**
29 Displaced_Vol_Fan 13-7 168 18-20
31 cnyvol 13-7 167 27-31**
31 Will Shelton 14-6 167 20-23
31 HUTCH 14-6 167 10-13
34 BZACHARY 14-6 166 24-17**
34 joeb_1 12-8 166 24-27
34 jeremy.waldroop 15-5 166 23-28
37 claireb7tx 15-5 165 14-21
38 doritoscowboy 14-6 164 28-27**
38 Rossboro 13-7 164 31-35
38 Hixson Vol1 14-6 164 31-37
41 VillaVol 15-5 163 65-13
42 Joel @ GRT 14-6 162 20-23**
42 boro wvvol 14-6 162 17-21
44 TennVol95 in 3D! 15-5 161 24-35
45 ga26engr 15-5 160 32-17**
45 DinnerJacket 12-8 160 17-24
45 rockytopinKy 14-6 160 0-0
48 aaron217 14-6 158 17-28**
48 dgibbs 13-7 158 17-20
50 Knottfair 12-8 157 20-24
51 Willewillm 13-7 155 21-28
52 Orange Swarm 13-7 153 17-14**
52 tpi 14-6 153 10-27
54 PensacolaVolFan 15-5 151 10-40**
54 Neil Neisner 12-8 151 0-0
56 ddayvolsfan 14-6 149 33-31
57 ltvol99 13-7 148 23-24
58 tbone 11-9 145 24-28
59 Crusher 12-8 140 17-28
60 Dmorton 14-6 138 13-34
61 BristVol 14-6 133 30-31
62 mariettavol 12-8 131 33-36
63 waitwhereami 14-6 130 28-21
64 rollervol 10-10 119 14-17
65 Timbuktu126 10-10 118 4-17
66 RockyPopPicks 10-10 115 21-24
67 patmd 12-8 101 31-7
68 Anaconda 0-20 100 0-0**
68 vols95 0-20 100 0-0**
68 Jrstep 0-20 100 0-0**
68 Aaron Birkholz 0-20 100 -
68 mmb61 0-20 100 -
68 UTVols18 0-20 100 -
68 Salty Seth 0-20 100 -
68 Teri28 0-20 100 -
68 Jayyyy 0-20 100 -
68 If you ain’t first you’re 0-20 100 -
68 tallahasseevol 0-20 100 -
68 waltsspac 0-20 100 -
68 ctull 0-20 100 -
68 ed75 0-20 100 -
68 orange_devil87 0-20 100 -
68 VFL49er 0-20 100 -
68 ddutcher 0-20 100 -
68 Caban Greys 0-20 100 -
68 cactusvol 0-20 100 -
68 Techboy 0-20 100 -
68 JLPasour 0-20 100 -

Time and TV for the Vols game this week, plus other games of interest

Last week’s appetizer gives way to the main course this week as college football kicks off in earnest. Here’s when and where to find the games that matter to Vols fans, along with some suggestions on how and why to watch them. First up is the list curated just for Vols fans. The full schedule follows that.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Away Home Time TV How Why
Marshall 24 Boise State 9:00 PM ET ESPN2 Live Top 25 team

Friday is an opportunity to catch No. 24 Boise State in action against Marshall. You know, if you’re into that sort of thing.

Gameday, September 7, 2019

Away Home Time TV How Why
West Virginia Missouri 12:00 PM ET ESPN2 Channel Hop/DVR Future Vols Opponent
Vanderbilt Purdue 12:00 PM ET BTN Channel Hop/DVR Future Vols Opponent
Charleston So South Carolina 12:00 PM ET SECN Channel Hop/DVR Future Vols Opponent
12 Texas A&M 1 Clemson 3:30 PM ET ABC Live Top 25 Matchup
Southern Miss MissSt 3:30 PM ET ESPNU DVR Future Vols Opponent
NMSt 2 Alabama 4:00 PM ET SECN DVR Future Vols Opponent
Murray State 3 Georgia 4:00 PM ET ESPN2 DVR Future Vols Opponent
BYU Tennessee 7:00 PM ET ESPN Live Go Vols!
Tenn-Martin 11 Florida 7:30 PM ET ESPNU DVR Future Vols Opponent
EastMi Kentucky 7:30 PM ET SECN DVR Future Vols Opponent
6 LSU 9 Texas 7:30 PM ET ABC DVR/Check In Top 10 Matchup

At noon on Saturday, three future Vols opponents are in action. Like Tennessee, Missouri and South Carolina are both coming off disappointing losses, and Vanderbilt is licking its post-Georgia wounds. Here’s the thing, Vols fans. There’s reason to be very concerned about Tennessee this season, but a couple of chief rivals in the SEC East are in the same situation. Among them, it’s a contest to see which of them can pull out of the funk first and best.

The nation’s top three teams are all in action in this Gameday’s 3:30 slot, and two of them are future Vols opponents. The game to watch in this time slot, though, is No. 12 Texas A&M against No. 1 Clemson. DVR the others, and keep a particularly close eye on Mississippi State, as the Vols (presumably) have a legit shot against them later this season.

The evening slot will test your fanhood, as the Vols kick off against BYU at 7:00 on ESPN, but No. 6 LSU travels to No. 9 Texas on ABC at 7:30. Make your own choice there. I’ll be watching the Vols and setting the DVR for LSU/Texas to watch later if I can avoid the score.

Also, there’s a game on Sunday (Oregon State and Hawaii), but it starts at midnight. As an old man who is beginning to really understand the reason for early bird buffets, I am no longer sure midnight even truly exists.


Full searchable college football TV schedule

Date Away Home Time TV
9/6/19 Wake Forest Rice 8:00 PM ET CBSS
9/6/19 William & Mary Virginia 8:00 PM ET ACCN
9/6/19 Marshall 24 Boise State 9:00 PM ET ESPN2
9/6/19 Sacramento St Arizona State 10:00 PM ET PACN
9/7/19 Ohio Pittsburgh 11:00 AM ET ACCN
9/7/19 UAB Akron 12:00 PM ET CBSS
9/7/19 Rutgers 20 Iowa 12:00 PM ET FS1
9/7/19 Bowling Green Kansas State 12:00 PM ET FSN
9/7/19 9 Kennesaw State Kent State 12:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 Southern U Memphis 12:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 Army West Point 7 Michigan 12:00 PM ET FOX
9/7/19 West Virginia Missouri 12:00 PM ET ESPN2
9/7/19 Cincinnati 5 Ohio State 12:00 PM ET ABC
9/7/19 Vanderbilt Purdue 12:00 PM ET BTN
9/7/19 Charleston So South Carolina 12:00 PM ET SECN
9/7/19 Old Dominion Virginia Tech 12:00 PM ET ESPNU
9/7/19 21 Syracuse Maryland 12:00 PM ET ESPN
9/7/19 W Carolina NCSU 12:30 PM ET CHSS
9/7/19 NIU 13 Utah 1:00 PM ET PACN
9/7/19 Fordham Ball State 2:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 South Florida Georgia Tech 2:00 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 Tennessee Tech Miami (OH) 2:30 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 Charlotte App 3:30 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 Richmond Boston College 3:30 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 Illinois Connecticut 3:30 PM ET CBSS
9/7/19 E Illinois Indiana 3:30 PM ET BTN
9/7/19 Grambling State Louisiana Tech 3:30 PM ET NFLN
9/7/19 S Illinois Massachusetts 3:30 PM ET
9/7/19 Southern Miss MissSt 3:30 PM ET ESPNU
9/7/19 CentMi 17 Wisconsin 3:30 PM ET BTN
9/7/19 12 Texas A&M 1 Clemson 3:30 PM ET ABC
9/7/19 25 Nebraska Colorado 3:30 PM ET FOX
9/7/19 NMSt 2 Alabama 4:00 PM ET SECN
9/7/19 UTSA Baylor 4:00 PM ET FSN
9/7/19 W Illinois Colorado State 4:00 PM ET ATSN
9/7/19 Murray State 3 Georgia 4:00 PM ET ESPN2
9/7/19 San Diego State UCLA 4:15 PM ET PACN
9/7/19 UL-Mon Florida State 5:00 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 N Colorado 22 WashSt 5:00 PM ET PACN
9/7/19 15 N Carolina AT Duke 6:00 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 Gardner-Webb East Carolina 6:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 6 Maine GaSo 6:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 WestKy FIU 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 17 Furman Georgia State 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 Cstl Carolina Kansas 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 E Kentucky Louisville 7:00 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 Tennessee State MiddTn 7:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 South Dakota 4 Oklahoma 7:00 PM ET
9/7/19 McNeese Oklahoma State 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 North Texas SMU 7:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 Jackson State South Alabama 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 BYU Tennessee 7:00 PM ET ESPN
9/7/19 Wyoming Texas State 7:00 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 18 UCF FlaAtl 7:00 PM ET CBSS
9/7/19 Tulane 10 Auburn 7:30 PM ET ESPN2
9/7/19 Tenn-Martin 11 Florida 7:30 PM ET ESPNU
9/7/19 EastMi Kentucky 7:30 PM ET SECN
9/7/19 Liberty Louisiana 7:30 PM ET ESP+
9/7/19 WestMI 19 Michigan State 7:30 PM ET BTN
9/7/19 Arkansas Ole Miss 7:30 PM ET SECN
9/7/19 Nevada 16 Oregon 7:30 PM ET PACN
9/7/19 Buffalo 15 Penn State 7:30 PM ET FOX
9/7/19 Stony Brook Utah State 7:30 PM ET FCBK
9/7/19 6 LSU 9 Texas 7:30 PM ET ABC
9/7/19 Prairie View AM Houston 8:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 Miami (FL) North Carolina 8:00 PM ET ACCN
9/7/19 UTEP Texas Tech 8:00 PM ET FSN
9/7/19 Tulsa San Jose State 9:00 PM ET ESPN3
9/7/19 Arkansas State UNLV 10:00 PM ET FCBK
9/7/19 Minnesota Fresno State 10:30 PM ET CBSS
9/7/19 California 14 Washington 10:30 PM ET FS1
9/7/19 23 Stanford USC 10:30 PM ET ESPN
9/7/19 N Arizona Arizona 10:45 PM ET PACN
9/8/19 Oregon State Hawaii 12:00 AM ET FCBK

Video: Georgia State post-game pressers and analysis

The following embed is a playlist of all of the post-Georgia State YouTube videos worth watching. It’s long, with Pruitt’s pressers, player interviews, and the entire Sports Source TV show, which was especially good this week. It’s really more audio than video, so you can treat it like a podcast and play it in your car on your commute. Jump ahead to any particular video by clicking on the menu in the upper right corner of the embed.

The following won’t embed but are perhaps also of interest, provided your are now sufficiently girded against depression.

What have we learned from Georgia State

If you read only one thing about the Vols today . . .

. . . make it this, from The Athletic:

Lots of good and fair analysis from The Athletic here.

Other Vols stuff worth reading today

  1. Tennessee 2019 FPI – Volunteers – ESPN, via ESPN. Only four games are over 50% now.
  2. Everything Jeremy Pruitt said during Monday’s press conference, via 247Sports. Most of the stories are quotes and takes from this presser and the immediate post-game presser.
  3. Vols searching for solutions on defense, via 247Sports
  4. Pruitt takes blame for Tennessee’s upset loss to Georgia State, via 247Sports
  5. No positives for Tennessee’s defense in Georgia State loss, via 247Sports
  6. Guarantano reflects on performance in Vols’ historic loss, via 247Sports
  7. Players react to Vols’ stunning loss to Georgia State, via 247Sports
  8. Taylor, Warrior explain Vols’ defensive struggles in loss, via 247Sports

Behind the paywalls

  • ‘God woke us up and got us off that boat’: The story…, via The Athletic. This is good. Quote: He can laugh because it’s just football and a boat. “I lost my wife a year and a half ago to cancer,” Roth said. “So after doing that and holding her hand as she took her last breath, losing stuff just was not a big deal.”
  • Analysis: Should Vols continue shuffling on offensive line?, via 247Sports
  • ‘Flabbergasted:’ How Tennessee’s opener turned into…, via The Athletic
  • What We Learned: Georgia State shocks Vols, via 247Sports

Tennessee Vols statistical ranking trends – after Georgia State

It’s early, so much of this is vulnerable to too-quick conclusions, but here’s a look at the Vols’ rankings in the NCAA official stat categories. Some of it is meaningless after only one week, but some of it is meaty enough to bite into. Beware, the taste ranges from bland to bleck.


That first place in red zone offense looks like a tasty morsel until you realize that 60 teams are tied for first. The 3rd down conversion percentage is legit, though, as is the overall passing offense, so woo for those.

That red at the bottom? Offensive line.


Praise the pass defense at your own peril, as there is surely someone close by ready to remind you that teams tend not to pass when they can run at will. Basically, the defense was bad.

Special Teams

Most of this is garbage data that means nothing at this point, but punt returns and net punting are legit and good signs.

Turnovers and Penalties

Executive summary: Good on penalties, bad on turnovers.

Assess the damage to your expectations here

Tennessee’s shocking season-opening loss to the Georgia State Panthers Saturday was a gut-punch to our expectations for the 2019 Vols in Jeremy Pruitt’s second season. In our most recent podcast, we said it was like the sucker punch that killed Houdini.

How exactly do you recalibrate expectations under these circumstances? On one hand, if you just lost a game you were 95% sure you were going to win, logic will sit there and calmly explain to you that you should also lose any game you were less certain to win. And just like that, there goes every game except maybe Chattanooga, which itself becomes more of a coin flip than a sure thing.

On the other hand, we also know both from intuition and experience that logic doesn’t understand college football. When people put on their colors and kids start chasing balls designed to bounce funny, logic is often relegated to simply shrugging its shoulders.

You have to look at the hard data you have, no matter how disturbing it might be. But you also have to look at the softer data that makes more sense. How do you strike the balance?

Me? Today? I tend toward the middle, so I’m inclined to think that a significant adjustment to expectations is warranted but that it shouldn’t all just go in the trash can. But I also think that if we’re going to re-assess our expectations weekly, it makes the most sense to do it based primarily on the prior week’s results. If next week is better, we can account for that next week. Please, please, pretty please, let’s account for that next week.

So, with all of that, my current win total expectation for the Vols is . . . welp . . . 2.87, down from 6.6 last week. This will move significantly again next week if the evidence against BYU suggests that Georgia State was a fluke. Please, please, pretty please let it be a fluke.

  • Preseason: 6.55
  • After Week 0: 6.6
  • After Week 1: 2.87

Details: Alabama and Georgia at 1%. Florida at 10%. I’ve moved Kentucky, Missouri, Mississippi State, South Carolina, and Vanderbilt all from toss-ups to 20%. I’ve changed BYU and UAB from 80% to toss-ups. And I now have Chattanooga at 75% instead of 95%. Oof.

The GRT Expected Win Total Machine

Explanations are below, but here’s a table with my updated expectations:

Tennessee Volunteers currently

Current record: 0-1 (0-0), 2nd in the SEC East

The Vols’ past opponents

Georgia State Panthers

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 1st in the Sun Belt East

The Vols’ future opponents

BYU Cougars

Current record: 0-1 (0-0)

Chattanooga Mocs

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 2nd in the Southern Conference

Florida Gators

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 2nd in the SEC East

Georgia Bulldogs

Current record: 1-0 (1-0), 1st in the SEC East

Mississippi State Bulldogs

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 1st in the SEC West

Alabama Crimson Tide

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 1st in the SEC West

South Carolina Gamecocks

Current record: 0-1 (0-0), 2nd in the SEC East

UAB Blazers

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 1st in C-USA West

Kentucky Wildcats

Current record: 1-0 (0-0), 2nd in the SEC East

Missouri Tigers

Current record: 0-1 (0-0), 2nd in the SEC East

Vanderbilt Commodores

Current record: 0-1 (0-1), 7th in the SEC East

What about you? Where are your expectations heading into Week 1?