Preseason: 6.6
at Bowling Green: 99%
vs Pittsburgh: 60%
vs Tennessee Tech: 99%
at Florida: 20%
at Missouri: 40%
vs South Carolina: 60%
vs Mississippi: 40%
at Alabama: 5%
at Kentucky: 30%
vs Georgia: 20%
vs South Alabama: 99%
vs Vanderbilt: 90%
I probably should slide Pitt and SC to 50% and Ole Miss to 30%, but I went with my optimistic side.
Preseason: 5.0: at Bowling Green: 80% (who the heck knows about either team?) vs Pittsburgh: 40% vs Tennessee Tech: 80% (this might deserve to be higher but again, who the heck knows?) at Florida: 5% at Missouri: 30% vs South Carolina: 50% (feels like a true toss-up) vs Mississippi: 15% at Alabama: 1% (pretty sure this is the first time in all my years of using the Expected Win Total Machine that I received the “This is a required field” warning because I truly believe – for the first time ever – that we have absolutely no chance of beating… Read more »