“We all hurt. We’re angry. We’re pissed. All the above, but now it’s what you make of it. How do you become better because of this. Sometimes there are situations like this that you suffer the adversities of a long football season, it can also galvanize you. It can bring you closer together as a football team. And again, we have to get back to work. UMass is not going to feel sorry for us. Nobody is going to feel sorry for us. So again, we have to get back and we have to go to work. That’s part of being a mature football team. It’s a long football season. Maybe people don’t want to hear it, but it is what it is. We have to get ready to play the next snap, the next play of the game, the next game. We have to move forward. Again I’ll tell you, the details will not be ignored. I can promise you that.”
I’m still fully behind Butch for now. This team still has a lot to play for. If we can avoid further injuries, 9-3 is still a real possibility. I think that would be great considering the NFL talent we lost and the breaking in of so many new starters. We were bound to lose a game or two like this under the circumstances. It hurts for several reasons, but let’s put it behind us and get back to work. Nothing is gained from wallowing in this. UMass, here we come. 3-1 after Saturday.
” 9-3 is still a real possibility”
You honestly think with Georgia/Bama/LSU/South Carolina/Kentucky and yes Vandy we are only going to lose just 2 more times?
Reality is this is at best this is a 7 win team.
We used to put 10 people in the pros every year and still win 10 games ( check out the 90’s and early 00’s)
Stop making excuses.
Butch is way over his head.
I didn’t say I think we are only going to lose two more times. I said, as you quoted, “9-3 is still a real possibility.” Georgia is good but not unbeatable, and we get them at home, Alabama will throttle us, LSU just lost to Mississippi State 37-7, South Carolina just lost to Kentucky 23-13 and lost their best player for the season in the process, Kentucky has not looked very good, and Vandy is looking better than expected but is still very beatable. Only one of those is a certain loss, but all the rest are at least winnable… Read more »