Daetilus maintains his lead over the field in this week’s edition of the Gameday on Rocky Top Guessing Game, but there is finally a blue shell on the way to save the day.

The full play-by-play is below. Note: We may play this week with questions about a non-Vols game, or we may take the week off. Watch Friday for the decision. Also, mushrooms and bananas will be increased to five points each next time around.

Top 10 as of the end of last week


Round 1

Q: The Bulldogs are averaging 223 yards on the ground. How many do they get against the Vols? (5-20 points)

A: 234-300 (5 points) (294)

Only four players get this right and get five points for it.

Mushrooms: Harley and Sam

Bananas: Daetilus and Oleg Zeltser

Blue shells and bolts: None!!!!

Top 10 after Round 1:


Round 2

Q: Which team throws the first interception?

A: Tennessee (8 points)

This was a popular answer, with 16 players getting it correct and getting eight points for it.

Mushrooms: TennVol95 and LTVol99

Bananas: Joel Hollingsworth and Marietta Vol

Blue shells and bolts: None!!!!!

Top 10 after Round 2:


Round 3

Q: What is the final point spread?

A: 22+ (10 points) (41)

Not even the most pessimistic among us guessed this correctly. Nobody got it right, and that’s even with about 20 points to spare. Bleck.

Mushrooms: Sam gets both of these.

Bananas: LTVol99 and Evan

Blue shells and bolts: Finally. A blue shell, released by Displaced_Vol_Fan. I’m not sure how fast that thing’s traveling, so watch out!

Top 10 after Round 3:


Full table

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Sam Hensley
Sam Hensley
7 years ago

Wow, I got 3 mushrooms this week! They don’t quite make up for the game this weekend, unfortunately.