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Vols video roundup 10.1.17

Colton Jumper and Quinten Dormady

I am so incredibly impressed at these guys, 18-22 years old having to face the media, the microphones, and the cameras to answer direct questions about their most disappointing mistakes immediately after they happen. (And also how much more mature they are than the people (probably adults) in the YouTube comment sections. Sheesh.)

Micah Abernathy, obviously extremely disappointed, still doing his job:

Kendal Vickers and Brett Kendrick, after the game. Vickers: “This week is going to show a lot about everybody’s character.” True, and I’d bet that these guys are going to pass that particular test.

Butch Jones, after the game: “Right now, our character’s being tested.”

Good and fair breakdown of the game from WNML’s Vince Ferrara and Josh Ward:


And now for something a little more lighthearted: Trevor Daniel was Tim Tebow’s Freak of the Week. (Just don’t ask him to rugby punt!)

And an appearance by former UT track phenom Christian Coleman, who runs a 4.1 40 (4.1!):

And hey, basketball could be fun this year!